BabyLove Nappy Pants Expert Review: A Solution For The Wee Folk

They don’t sag. They’re great for wrigglers. They fit perfectly… Here’s what else you need to know about the new BabyLove Nappy Pants!
“I may be a mum of two gorgeous boys and have twenty years’ experience as a Parenting Editor under my belt, but I totally got the bum steer when it came to nappies! I used a *popular* nappy brand for my first son, Maxwell, ten years ago. Mainly because other mums recommended it – it was supposedly the most absorbent and best for overnight use. I flirted with a few other less expensive brands but never found any worth switching for. And on top of that, I also had serious mummy brain (thanks to the sleep deprivation and returning to work when Maxwell was just 6 months old). So it was easier just to stick to my ‘nappy groundhog day.’
“When Louis came along 18 months ago, I was much more open to change. I knew I was paying a premium price for nappies that were … well, okay, but not amazing. There were several occasions when I had to change Louis’ cot sheets at 2am because the nappy ‘leaked’, and I ALWAYS did one or two night nappy changes (while Louis is asleep) because, well, they aren’t as absorbent as they claim. And I’m just one of those neurotic mums who thinks it’s better to change them in the middle of the night so they sleep better (I know, oxymoron!).

Franki's son, Louis, says the BabyLove Nappy Pants are great for driving all kinds of vehicles!
Nappy Pants: a new discovery!
“I first discovered BabyLove Nappy Pants when Louis was about 13 months old – and I loved them! Apart from the fact that I’d had Stockholm Syndrome with a nappy brand I wasn’t entirely happy with, BabyLove offered a load of new ‘perks’ that I didn’t even realise existed in a nappy!
1. They are wriggler proof!
“The thing about side tab nappies is they are a nightmare for changing wrigglers. Louis loves nothing better than flipping over mid nappy change and taking off at first opportunity! I have given up changing him on the changeable because it’s just too dangerous – at least when he takes off on my bed he has a soft landing! BabyLove Nappy Pants solve that issue, though. They are PANTS! So you just pull them on like a pair of undies and voila – your little one is good to go!
Insider tip: The nappy pants have perforated side seams for easy nappy removal – particularly for number twos (you DO NOT want to be pulling poo-filled pants down little legs!).
2. No more red marks on little hips
I’m not sure if it’s the fact I was trying to stick side tabs down at lightning speed, or my rubbish nappy-changing skills, but any mum whose toddler experiences recurrent red marks (from the side tabs rubbing on their skin) knows that heartbreaking feeling…
You won’t get this issue with Nappy Pants though! The 360° stretchy waistband is ultra-soft and flexes to fit your toddler’s body. The result? Comfort, freedom of movement and no skin rubbing for your active little adventurer!
3. No sagging nappies!
I never thought babies could have a ‘mini plumbers crack’ but alas, in some nappies, they can! I remember the first time Louis’ nappy was hanging down around his knees and another mum (awkwardly!) brought it to my attention.
Mum friend: “Umm, I think you need to change Louis’ nappy.”
Me: “I just changed it. It just falls down like that when he runs around and plays.”
Her: “But, it’s bulky in parts at the front.”
Me: (awkwardly checking the nappy) … “I know, the padding bunches up when he runs, sits or wees. I’ll check it again…. Nope, its clean.”
Now, with BabyLove’s clever technology - that is, the newly designed absorbent core shape and 360 stretchy waist – active toddlers like Louis score a better fit and avoid the dreaded nappy sag! So they can resume their adventures without carrying around the extra baggage!
4. Less nappy changes!
I’m one of those pedantic mums who changes their baby's nappy around the clock – every two hours, or earlier if wet or soiled, or just because we are going to the park/school run/childcare… you know, just in case. Always better to have clean pants on, I say! And because my previous nappy brand bulked up in places, it always looked soiled – so I just changed it anyway. BabyLove Nappy Pants avoid this high-rotation changing cycle though because they have a high urine absorbency (you can’t even tell if it’s wet!), quick urine absorbency and baby’s bottom stays dry even after urination. And of course, there are no stool leaks. In fact, the DriWave tech means 12 hours of absorbency! That’s, like, a whole night’s uninterrupted sleep!
5. The materials are soft
I already mentioned the ‘tab rubbing’ on Louis' little hips, which was an issue, but I hadn’t really considered the nappy materials used or how it felt on his skin until I tried BabyLove Nappy Pants and could see and feel the difference myself. The materials used to make these Nappy Pants are not only safe, but they are super soft and gentle on Louis' skin.
6. The verdict
BabyLove Nappy Pants are a much better shape and fit on Louis than any other brand I’ve used. Louis is now 18 months old and they are perfect for him. He can dance to Baby Shark and wiggle his hips or climb the ladder and whizz down the slide without his nappy falling off! As a wriggler, he loves that the nappy pants are easy to get on and off from standing position and wear ‘big boy pants’ (like his big brothers wear)! And for me as the ‘nappy changer’, the BabyLove Nappy Pants are easy peasy lemon squeezy for me to pop on and off!