Aussie Mums 2-ingredient KFC hack is perfect for quarantine dinner!

‘My hubby couldn’t taste the difference’
Aussie mum, Sandra, has blown her family away with her homemade KFC style 2-ingredient chicken dinner.
Mum of four, Sandra contacted Practical Parenting to share her delicious 2-ingredient KFC hack.
Says Sandra: “Our KFC doesn’t do home delivery and we are stuck at home in quarantine, hubby said that dashing to KFC was an essential trip but I beg to differ, we must all stay home!”
“Please share this incredible tasting KFC with other parents”, she asks.

Sandra's KFC chicken hack dinner. Images: Supplied.
Sandra explains that between her 2 children and partner Steve’s 2, feeding a family of 6 can be costly when ordering a take out.
“Whenever we do get take-away it ends up costing us an arm and a leg, I took up the challenge to home make our own KFC… it ended up costing just $15!”
Tastes vary between the 4 children, some like leg, others breast, so Sandra bought a large 2kg Steggles chook and cut it into 12 portions.
She said: “The breasts were absolutely huge, I cut them into 2 large pieces for each breast and the wing part I kept some of the breast attached to it also so everyone got equal size pieces.”

Sandra's KFC chicken hack dinner. Images: Supplied.
Sandra then used her ‘hack’, a packet of Tandaco Southern Fried Chicken coating mix. Due to the size of the chook she used 2 packets of the mix.
Total cost:
*Steggles family roast chicken = $11.23
*Tandaco Seasoning mix x 2 = $3.60
Total = $ 14.83

Sandra's KFC chicken hack dinner. Images: Supplied.
Says Sandra: “It’s so easy, cut up the chook into portions, coat in the mix, I pressed it on to get a thicker more authentic KFC style coating, and then shallow fried in batches, bung it in the oven at 200 degrees for 20 mins, whack oven chips in for the last 10 mins, and there you have it!”
“Hubby and I had salad with ours but the kids just ate the KFC chicken and chips, everyone agreed that it tastes exactly the same as real KFC, I am definitely making this again."
Sandra’s find, Tandaco seasoning mix is available at both Coles and Woolworths supermarkets

Michelle Connolly has worked as a photo director, social media manager and photo editor at some of Australia's biggest media companies, including New Idea. She is now editor of Practical Parenting and loving mum-of-two.