Former MKR couple go on spending spree for new baby

“One of the first things I bought was the Gucci blanket”
By Practical Parenting team
August 07 2018
Former My Kitchen Rules stars Zana Pali and Gianni Romano are buying only the best designer labels for their soon-to-be-born baby boy.
Zana told that she started buying baby paraphernalia in her first trimester.
“I am not the type of person to do anything last minute so as soon as I found out I was pregnant I started buying things and as soon as I found out it was a boy I wanted to name him Leonardo,” she says.
“One of the first things I bought was the grey and white Gucci blanket.”
The Gucci baby blanket retails for around $400 in Australia.
The business owner and influencer shared photos on her Instagram of her baby’s pastel blue, mint green and grey-themed room.
The nursery is decked out in Italian brands including Dolce and Gabbana, Armani, Versace and Gucci.
The lavish room also has custom books and decorations featuring the baby and family’s name as well as the term ‘little prince’, which is how the couple refer to their unborn baby.
The cashed-up couple also splashed out on an OTT baby shower at the Langham in Melbourne.
Baby Leonardo is due on August 25.