World's smallest surviving baby EVER born weighing less than 300g – look at him now!

A Japanese baby boy who was born weighing just 0.59lb (268g) has been sent home after seven months in hospital.
The premature boy was born via emergency C-section at Keio University Hospital in Tokyo after doctors noticed he was not growing during a 24-week scan and worried his life may be in danger, reports the Daily Mail.
The tiny baby was treated at a neonatal intensive care unit, which helped get his weight up to 7.14lb (3.2kg). He left hospital last week - two months after his due date.

Keio University Hospital
The paediatricians who treated the newborn hope his story will give hope to families whose children are born too small or too early.
“I want people to know that babies can return home vigorous even if they are born small,” Dr Takeshi Arimitsu said.
The baby was so small at birth that he could fit in doctor’s hands, but after being treated in a neonatal intensive care unit at the hospital by managing his breathing and nutrition, he grew steadily and started breastfeeding.
The survival rate of babies born weighing less than 1000g is about 90 per cent in Japan, but that of babies less than 300g is low, especially for boys.
The previous record holder for smallest baby boy was born weighing 274g in Germany in 2009. The smallest girl was born weighing 252 grams, also in Germany, in 2015.
Premature baby survival rates:
Less than 22 weeks is close to zero chance of survival
22 weeks is around 10%
24 weeks is around 60%
27 weeks is around 89%
31 weeks is around 95%
34 weeks is equivalent to a baby born at full term

Nicola Conville has worked as a journalist and editor for more than 20 years across a wide range of print and online publications. Her areas of expertise are parenting, health and travel. She has two children; Lucy, age eight, and Nathan, age five.
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