“What I wouldn’t give to be hanging size 4’s on the line”

One woman reveals the heartbreaking reason she enjoys chores
By Practical Parenting team
October 08 2018
While most of us feel the burden of looking after small children and relentless of daily housework, cooking and laundry, one mama says she welcomes it.
Anna Davis, a mum of four from Tasmania, lost her son Alby in a tragic accident earlier this year when he choked on a bouncy ball.
Taking to Instagram she shared a reminder with her followers to embrace the daily grind of parenting and to remember the parents who would give anything to be able to cook and clean for their little ones again.
“In the past, I remember feelings of frustration surrounding the constant, unending chores that go hand in hand with family life,” she shared. “The bottomless washing pile, the ‘messy’ floors, the constant dishes, the ever-hungry mouths…
“But now? What I wouldn’t give to be hanging size 4’s on the line, to be tripping over block creations in the hallway, to have one more cup to wash up after dinner time... it’s all about perspective mamas.”
There will always be parents who are ‘craving your daily reality’, she explained, alongside a photo of her three oldest children, including curly-haired Alby.
“Shifting your mindset to one of gratitude may make that monotony just a tad bit sweeter.
“This morning, please remember those mamas who are yearning to spread just one more piece of vegemite toast, and face today’s beautiful chaos with a smile in the knowing it means you have a full tribe to nurture. It is not just housework, after all. It is lovework.”