'Quiet' Santa experience coming to Westfield

Sometimes it can be overwhelming.
Meeting Santa for most kids is exciting. The dressing up in your Christmas fancy clothes, the chance to sit on Santas knee whilst rambling off the long list of toys on your list.
But for some children, especially those with a sensory process disorder, especially autism - it can be one of the most challenging days over the festive season.
Watch: Sensitive Santa: Claire's story
This year Westfield has launched Sensitive Santa, especially for kids with sensory challenges.
"We’re offering a Sensitive Santa experience so that families can visit our Christmas wonderland and have their photo taken in a relaxed environment, tailored to children with sensory challenges," said Westfield in a statement.
The quiet sessions are run before stores open when the centres are quieter and calmer.
Families also can book ahead for these special sessions, eliminating the long queues.

Westfield have also developed a social story for you to download, print and read to your children. The social story can help explain what your child should expect when the visit Santa.
You can download the social story here.
To book in for your Sensitive Santa session you can book here.
Dates and session times are limited, it is highly recommended that you book in advance.

Michelle Connolly has worked as a photo director, social media manager and photo editor at some of Australia's biggest media companies, including New Idea. She is now editor of Practical Parenting and loving mum-of-two.