The one tip every working mother needs to know

Actress Jodi Anasta sticks to one rule every morning - and it works!
By Practical Parenting
November 05 2018
She works long days on the set of Neighbours while parenting her four-year-old daughter, Aleeia, but actress Jodi Anasta reckons she has a fool-proof way of making sure mornings don't descend into chaos - and it's one she's had since she was 15-years-old.
"Every night I lay out what I am going to wear the following day," the 33-year-old admits. "I used to do it with my school uniform when I was 15 and I do it now for me and for Aleeia."
"It takes away the panic of what will I wear and means I feel more prepared when I wake up!"
Jodi, who has teamed up with Pauls is encouraging Australian families to enjoy breakfast together in support of Foodbank,and admits finding time for brekkie is always hard.
"But the first thing that Aleeia says every morning is 'What's for breakfast?' so that makes life easier for us both," she laughs. "She won't forget to eat her favourite pancakes or smoothies."
New research from Pauls has found that 28 per cent of parents are distracted in the mornings because they're scrolling through social media while trying to get the kids ready for the day. But that isn't a problem for Jodi.
"Oh my God! Who has time for that," she laughs. "I am too busy packing extra tights into Aleeia's bag, or reading scripts. Even if I am waiting in a cafe for a friend I would rather call someone than go onto social media! I hope I pass that onto Aleeia too!"
Pauls will donate $1 to Foodbank on behalf on behalf of families for every #BreakfastWithPauls image shared during July and August 2018.