The Internet Is Outraged Charlize Theron Let Her Son Wear A Dress

Is it really a big deal?
When people of the internet see something they don’t agree with, you can be sure that they will voice their opinions, especially when it comes to celebrities.
So when Charlize Theron was out with her son, Jackson, who happened to be dressed like Elsa from Frozen, Twitter users did not hold back.
The 41-year-old’s son was pictured wearing an Elsa cap and long, blonde braid, and a striped dress. When the photos emerged, people were outraged, even accusing the actress of 'degrading' her son.
Like many young children, Jackson is obviously a fan of the highly successful Frozen, and like many parents, Charlize obviously has no problem with her son wearing what he feels comfortable in.
And there were Twitter users who supported Charlize's parenting style.
This story first appeared on Marie Claire