Teresa Palmer Won’t Be Having A Home Birth For Baby Number 2

The Aussie actress explains her decision
By Practical Parenting
October 24 2016
Teresa Palmer is currently 32 weeks pregnant with her second child with husband Mark Webber, and has been actively detailing every step of her pregnancy on her blog, Your Zen Mama.
In her most recent post, the Aussie actress revealed that she is planning to have her baby in hospital after suffering complications with her first birth with son, Bodhi.
“I had a slight complication post birth with my placenta after Bodhi was born which is why I chose a hospital birth over a home birth this time round,” she writes.
This time around her plan is to “Labor at home for as long as possible” before transferring to hospital for the birth with a midwife through a Midwifery Program.

“It gives me the confidence to know that if anything at all goes wrong or the same issue arises then I’m right there in a hospital setting and a doctor is only a floor away!”
The 30-year-old actress says she will also consider a water birth but when it comes down to it she says she is open to however the baby wants to come when the time is here.
“I’m feeling calm and prepared as the weeks fly by,” she says. “I’m truly open to whatever way this baby wants to come Earth side so I will welcome with open arms whatever experience we end up having.”
This article originally appeared on Marie Claire.