Sydney mum horrified when baby change table crashes down, trapping her son

Just awful
A Sydney mother has taken to social media to share a terrifying experience which happened when she was changing her son’s nappy at a hotel.
The woman wrote on Facebook that she was at the Woolwich Pier Hotel using the infant change table when the wall fitting fell away from the wall, crashing to the tiled floor and trapping her son underneath.
Together with a friend she moved the heavy table off her child, who had hit his left temple on the floor and landed with the heavy change station on the right-hand side of his head and shoulder.

“He responded after a moment, crying hysterically for the next hour,” she wrote. “During this time paramedics arrived to assess him and take us to the Paedeatric [sic] Emergency Room at Royal North Shore hospital.”
Thankfully, while the toddler had sustained a nasty bump and some bleeding, he was released after five hours of monitoring once medical staff were satisfied he hadn’t sustained any brain damage.
“In the wake of the incident and our immeasurable relief that Louis is progressing well, we’ve been trying to understand how this could have possibly happened,” the mum added.
“Don’t the manufacturers/installers or those operating such a public venue monitor the equipment? Doesn’t anyone have a vested interest in ensuring these facilities are safe?”
Well, it would appear that they don’t. The owner of the company who installed the change table allegedly said: “as there are no cameras in the bathroom, no one can know what really happened.”
“We have been assured and now reassured neither the owners of the hotel nor the supplier and installer, Davidson Washrooms accept any responsibility for what has happened,” the frustrated mum added.
“Since this incident, it has also been confirmed the owner of the venue, has not felt compelled to check the tables in their other establishments!
“It seems Louis’ lack of brain damage means they aren’t legally obliged to do so. I assure you, if he were a smaller baby or had landed differently, the outcome would have been our worst nightmare.
“We have been left to feel alone and unheard by these two companies who claim to have the interests of children and family front of mind.
“It’s a no brainer for us that we share our experience. ALWAYS check the conditions of any change station facility you use!

Nikki is obsessed with all things celebrity and dreams she is a long-lost Kardashian. You'll find her binging Netflix's latest 'must-watch' show with a jar of Nutella by her side.