Should hotel have warned mum about outbreak of Hand, Foot & Mouth Disease?

The poor little thing!
By Frances Sheen
May 23 2019
A furious mum has launched a scathing attack on a hotel and her travel agent after both her daughters contracted Hand, Foot and Mouth disease during their holiday.
Danielle MacIntyre took daughter Nevah, three, and Milla, five months, on holiday with her mum to Spain. They stayed at a resort called Club Mac in Alcudia.

Danielle Macintyre
‘It was our first ever family holiday and all my family came including my mum," Danielle explained to The Mirror. "I was already anxious to take the girls on holiday because I thought they would keep crying on the plane but they were actually great."
But during the trip both girls contracted a fever and then blisters and sores around their hands, feet and mouth and a doctor confirmed they had Hand, Foot And Mouth Disease which is described by doctors as ‘a mild, contagious viral infection common in young children’.
It's symptoms include sores in the mouth and a rash on the hands and feet. The infection can be very uncomfortable and children can become severely dehydrated if it's not monitored closely.

On her return, Danielle discovered the hotel knew about the outbreak of the infection at the hotel but didn’t pass on the message to guests.
She said on Facebook, ‘My 5 month old got sent to hospital due to this as she was so ill, on arrival we should have been told by the main reception that there was an outbreak of this disease which we didn’t get told!’
The Scottish mum said other guests, from a different tour operator, Thomas Cook, were told by letter that there was an outbreak but she wasn’t and she believes she should have been given the option to switch hotels.
On her Facebook page, other guests who stayed at the same hotel revealed that their kids had also suffered from HF&M, and they agreed that they should have been told.
'Definitely not happy about this as they knew about it and now my little boys face is a mess and covered in a rash and so unsettled and not sleeping! Something should be done about this as so many babies are poorly because of them saving there own backs!!! said one'
Last year, Pink's husband Carey Hart was under fire in Australia when he took their toddler Jameson out in a hotel while suffering from the condition which is known to be highly contagious.
He had been told by a doctor the little boy wasn't a risk to other kids, although mums on Instagram were not happy.

A spokesman for the company, Jet2, who Danielle booked her holiday with told The Mirror, ‘"We are aware of a small number of cases of hand-foot-and-mouth at the Club Mac Hotel in Alcudia, and we have briefed our team on how to spot and prevent the spread of the illness.
"We would like to assure our customers that their health and safety is our number one priority, and we work closely with all hotels to ensure that health and safety standards meet the very high requirements that we and our customers expect."