Reddit users save pregnant woman from dangerous situation

She turned to the platform for advice and we're glad she did.
By Practical Parenting
February 28 2017
Reddit users have saved a pregnancy woman from a potentially dangerous situation.
A 29-year-old pregnant woman from Indiana, writing under the username babyblues17, turned to Reddit for advice after her husband’s past was apparently catching up with them - and she’s glad she did.
“My husband and I are college-educated, have respectable, stable jobs, own a home in a nice neighbourhood...we're basically as prepared as anyone can be to start a family. I'm almost nine months pregnant with our first child," she writes.
Despite this, they are being investigated by child services.
“The problem is that eleven years ago when my husband was a freshman in college, he was arrested for possession of marijuana. It was a large enough amount that he was charged with a Class D felony (our jurisdiction is very harsh regarding marijuana), but not intent to deal. He pleaded guilty and did his time and probation without a problem, passing every drug test along the way. He has not touched marijuana (or any other illegal substance) since, and we rarely even drink (and haven't at all in over a year).
“I have no criminal record and have never done drugs myself. It was a stupid mistake he made as a foolish eighteen-year-old, and he's worked hard to put it behind him”
But according to their “case worker”, someone made a complaint about their drug use.
“We have been as cooperative as we could be with our caseworker. We've been interviewed, our home has been examined, and she found nothing remotely suspicious or incriminating. We have both taken drug tests and passed,” she said.
“She also says that there's still the possibility that our child could be taken from us in the labour and delivery ward, and that we won't be allowed to take her home.”
Thankfully, a couple of former CPS investigators came upon the thread and realised something wasn't right.
“I am a former Indiana CPS investigator/ assessor," wrote one user.
"Something here is not making any sense at all unless the law has changed greatly in the last few years when I left the department. As of this moment you are pregnant correct? And you don't have any children? They are investigating the fetus?”
After reading the replies, the woman contacted her lawyer and went to the police.
“To make a long story short, the woman 'handling our case' has no affiliation with DCS,” she updated the thread.
“I’m still in complete shock.”
Unable to go into details due to the investigation being ongoing, she says, "It seems to have been a very skilled/well-researched liar."
“I never would have known anything was amiss without the advice of this subreddit and the intervention of my attorney.
“I feel like a complete idiot, but the instinct to cooperate unquestioningly when faced with an intimidating "authority figure" is strong.”
Until the time of birth, the woman and her husband are staying with friends and the hospital has been informed of a possible security issue.