What?! These parenting-fail photos are CRAZY!

These are absolutely shocking!
By Practical Parenting team
September 18 2018
Want to feel better about your own parenting fails?
These photos show some of the most epic parenting fails caught on camera - and they're mind-blowing!
The website eBaumsworld has featured a selection of some of the most bizarre and confronting pics you'll see and here's a selection!
Air-conditioned ride!
Who needs a proper car seat? Or a back seat for that matter?! It doesn't even look like that child is strapped in at all!

Mum, can I have my stroller back?
We all know mums need to check their phones but perhaps these two could swap seats on the train?

Fall asleep at the bar!
What could possibly go wrong with this scenario? Um... a lot.

A stretch too far!
We're guessing this mum had no idea the barrier was at mouth height!

Can I hitch a ride?
It comes to something when you're relying on your child's vice-like grip to get you through city traffic on the back of a bike!
