Parents Share Pics Of Premature Twins To Spread Hope

Jaxson and Cadence were born 16 weeks prematurely.
By Livia Gamble
January 26 2017
An amazing couple is sharing pictures of their preemie twins for a heartwarming reason.
Jourdan and Matt Moore's twins - Jaxson and Cadence - were born 16 weeks early, and now that the siblings are thriving, their parents decided to share their story on Instagram to give hope to other preemie parents.
Speaking to People, Jourdan said: “Doctors recommended we let nature take its course because the survival rate for 23 weekers on life support is very low."
“But we weren’t going to give up. And we didn’t. And now look at them!”
Now one-year-old, the twins are doing well. Cadence was diagnosed with a chronic lung disease and pulmonary hypertension which requires her to be fed through a tube, but she will be able to feed on her own soon. Jaxson is near-sighted and needs glasses.
“They’re both in the accurate and average weight percentile range for their adjusted age of 8 months old,” explains Jourdan. “With preemie babies, doctors measure height, weight and everything based on an adjusted scale.”
Sharing throwback pictures of their journey, Matt and Jourdan hope their story helps others, but to also highlight the importance of skin-to-skin.
"We hope other NICU parents find hope in our story and the importance of skin-to-skin 'kangaroo care,' not just for mothers but for fathers as well," Matt told The Huffington Post.
Jourdan added: "The purpose of our social media accounts is to spread hope to preemie parents, those struggling with infertility, and spread embryo adoption awareness. If we didn't expose where we came from, some of our most difficult moments, then we wouldn't be fully revealing the depth of the joy we are enjoying today."
To follow their story, visit their Instagram page.