Parents reveal the TRUTH about parenting in set of HILARIOUS photos


December 04 2018

Has your child ever gone wild? And have you ever photographed the evidence?

Over on website Bored Panda, mums and dads have been posting pictures of the chaos their kids have caused - and every family can relate to them.

Here are a few of our favourites...


Bored Panda

Bored Panda


1. Why use face cream when a tube of nappy cream will do the job just perfectly?


Bored Panda

Bored Panda


2. At least this parent will always have a unique laptop, right?


Bored Panda

Bored Panda


3. Nothing says I am Darth Maul, like a set of permanent markers and a Star Wars fan.


Bored Panda

Bored Panda


4. This parent explained,  'Girls' room wasn't getting warm so I took apart their vent, I now have a great way to illustrate what it's like to have four children'


Bored Panda

Bored Panda


5. The poor parent of this toddler explained, 'The one and only time I forgot to put up the baby gate before I showered...'


Bored Panda

Bored Panda


6. These kids returned from a 'paint party' and were never quite the same!



7. Doesn't this say it all about marriage and kids!


Got a photo you'd like to share? Send 'em our way!