Parents fast track wedding so their terminally-ill son can walk mum down the aisle

This is just heart-wrenching
The parents of a terminally ill baby have fast-tracked their wedding, so their son can walk the mother down the aisle.
The heartbreaking decision came after David Hosie, 38, and Lisa Moore, 35 from Scotland were told their son Aaron’s condition was terminal.
The couple have spent a year in and out of hospital for Aaron’s treatment of a soft tissue cancer known as Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma, which he has suffered from since he was eight weeks old.
Now they know his condition is terminal David and Lisa want to ensure their son is there to witness their marriage and have one special memory before he passes away.
'David and I had talked about marriage, but it was something that was a way off, on the back-burner,’ Lisa said.
'Now doctors have told us Aaron is terminal, we want to bring it forward and create as many special memories as we can with him.
'The plan is to be married in the next couple of months, so he can be there. I'd like him and my dad to walk me down the aisle,' she continued.
Aaron has two elder brothers aged seven and 10 who will also be there to celebrate the happy moment.
Aaron’s aunt Claire Speirs has set up a Just Giving page to help raise funds and make their occasion as special as possible.
'As Aaron became ill at such a young age, he has never led a normal life, and has missed out on a number of special moments as a result of spending a lot of time in hospital undergoing treatment,’ Claire writes in a heartfelt post.
'Since finishing chemotherapy treatment, he has now started walking, as the intense treatment had previously prevented him from being able to do so.
'David and Lisa have decided that they would like to create a special memory while the whole family is together, by getting married while Aaron is still able to be there.
'We think it will be a lovely way for family and close friends to all get together and spend precious time with Aaron while they can,' she continued.
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Aaron/Just Giving

Faye James is a regular contributor at New Idea, WHO and Practical Parenting and works across health, beauty, celebrity and royal content. She has over 20 years of experience spanning across the UK, Middle East and Australia.