Parents start petition about Peppa Pig GAY STORYLINE - and it gets THOUSANDS of signatures

It's a HUGE campaign!
By Frances Sheen
May 30 2019
Peppa Pig is one of the world's most successful TV shows with hundreds of thousands of fans across the world.
Pre-schoolers and toddlers avidly follow the adventures of Peppa Pig, her little brother George Pig, Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig as well as all their animal friends who live close by including Mrs Rabbit, Grandad Dog and Peppa's best friend, Susie Sheep.
But a group of parents have started a world-wide petition directed at the writers of the show, because they are angry there are NO same-sex parents or gay characters on the TV kids cartoon - and there has been more than 250 episodes.
The Care 2 petition started in April and now has more than 17,500 signatures.
It reads, "Peppa Pig is one of the most popular TV shows for young children and has won numerous British Academy Children's Awards.
"The show features Peppa Pig and her family, and various families of other animals they are friends with. However, despite there being six series and over 250 episodes produced so far, none of the families feature same-sex parents."
The petition goes on to say, "Children watching Peppa Pig are at an impressionable age, and excluding same-sex families will teach them that only families with either a single parent or two parents of different sexes are normal.
"This means that children of same-sex parents may feel alienated by Peppa Pig, and that other children may be more likely to bully them, simply through ignorance.
"Peppa Pig is not just for entertainment, children are inevitably learning from it too."
The creators of the show, One Entertainment, have yet to comment on the petition or any plans to introduce same-sex parents into the long-running series, but it looks like there are plenty of parents who are hoping they will hear their request.
What do you think of the Peppa Pig petition?