Newborn's photo shoot honouring her twin brother's memory goes viral

Just beautiful
Mum Heather Bowman was 17 weeks pregnant with twins when she received the devastating news that her baby boy’s heartbeat could no longer be detected.
She had already lost twin babies in a previous pregnancy and had been through several rounds of assisted conception, so the mum-to-be was terrified she would lose her baby daughter too.
She continued to carry both babies until they were born via c-section in February 2019. Happily, baby Leti was healthy and well.

Heather Bowman
“Hearing her cry was the biggest relief I have had in my entire life,” she told Cafemom.
“My mother was in the OR with me and kept telling me how perfect she was. She brought her over to me and I couldn't believe I was looking at the most perfect angel that ever existed.”
Little Leti had two small birthmarks on her forehead, which her mum says look like tiny footprints.
“To me they are her brother's stamp that he is watching over her, his little footprints to note that he will always be with her,” she said.
Hospital staff brought baby James over to her too so she could say goodbye, which caused a “flood of emotion” to wash over her. She knew she wanted to find a way to honour her baby son’s life.

Heather Bowman
After returning home from hospital, Heather arranged a newborn photoshoot for Leti with photographer Jessica Young, and told her she wanted to find a way to honour James memory in some way.
When Heather arrived at the photographer’s studio, she was overwhelmed when she saw two small wooden cradles – one for Leti, and a matching one for James with a blue swaddle and tiny pair of angel wings carefully placed inside.

Jessica Young Photography
Jessica then wove the two swaddle blankets together to show the twins’ unbreakable bond. The touching photo has been making its way around social media channels, and has clearly struck a chord with many people.
“I am shocked how it has been received and how viral it has gone," Heather said. “What started out as a simple way to honor my son has gone on to touch so many people's lives.”

Nicola Conville has worked as a journalist and editor for more than 20 years across a wide range of print and online publications. Her areas of expertise are parenting, health and travel. She has two children; Lucy, age eight, and Nathan, age five.