Newborn baby found lying in the middle of the road - with umbilical cord still attached.

The baby girl was found alone by a stranger
A newspaper delivery man got the shock of his life when he discovered a newborn baby girl lying helpless in the middle of the road.
The tiny little girl was lying there in her onesie pyjamas with her umbilical cord still attached.
The 21-year-old delivery driver was several hours into his shift when he saw “a bright white thing laying on the road”, US news outlet ABC30 reported.
Initially, he thought it was some kind of animal but suddenly realised it was a baby.

The baby girl was taken to hospital/ABC
Aurelio Fuentes Jr., from Madera County in California, called 911 and waited with the baby until the emergency services arrived to help her. He said he was worried coyotes might attack her on that road.
“It could’ve been worse because it’s pitch black out. There could’ve been coyotes, there’s cars going by fast down that road,” Aurelio said.
The baby was taken to a neonatal intensive care unit but is expected to be fine.
“The baby was cold, but luckily she was discovered early enough that she’ll make a full recovery,” Madera County Sheriff Office undersheriff Tyson Pogue said.
An investigation has been launched to find out who abandoned the newborn baby.
Police are interviewing neighbours and looking at surveillance video in the area to see if they can find any clues.

The road where the baby was found/ABC

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