New Bachelor revealed - and he's a 'hot Sheldon from Big Bang Theory'!

Wow, who saw this coming?
By Frances Sheen
March 06 2019
This year's Bachelor has finally been revealed.
His name is Matt Agnew and he's an astro physicist - and he will now be the latest suitor on the reality TV show!
With a passion for space and astronomy, the 31-year-old from Melbourne has been described as a 'hot Sheldon Cooper'.

Although it's an unusual way to find love, the super-nerd says that he is determined to give it his best shot!
'I've got a real "do it once, do it right" mentality, so I'll be making sure I throw myself into it, be vulnerable and enjoy what comes from that,' he added.
Matt is often compared to The Big Bang Theory's Sheldon Cooper, who is played by American actor Jim Parsons.
He currently works at the Centre for Astrophysics and Supercomputing at the Swinburne University of Technology.
And he's worried that the contestants on the show might just find him not that interesting...
Speaking to 10 Daily on Thursday, Matt revealed he worries his bachelorettes may find his profession 'boring'.
'You know how sometimes after you've been talking for 20 minutes about a topic you're really excited about, you apologise for "being boring and waffling on?"' he said.
last year fans were angry when Bachelor Nick Cummins walked away without picking any of the girls - and he was slammed by viewers for not being great talent to watch.
Hopefully this year we can all fall in love with the journey of a super-nerd!