Brave mum faces the death of two of her children eight months apart

This is just heartbreaking...
By Frances Sheen
August 21 2018
This poor mum had to watch the tragic deaths of her two children - within eight months of each other.
Stefanie Boyce, 37, said it had been her ‘profound honour’ to watch little girl Brooklyn, nine, pass away less than a year after her brother, Jayden, 11.
Both children had Sanfilippo Syndrome or MPSIII which causes the loss of speech, seizures and dementia and then sadly death. She also has a second daughter, Ellie, six, who is not affected by the condition.

Credit: Stefanie Boyce, Instagram
When Jayden died Stefanie had described the death as ‘beautiful’ but said she worried that Brooklyn’s wouldn’t be as peaceful.
‘My greatest fear was B’s passing would be sudden and tragic. A seizure. A morning I’d find her not breathing,’ she said on Instagram.
‘Some way that I couldn’t say good-bye. Some way not as holy or sacred as Jayden’s.’
But she said her daughter’s death left her with “a weird feeling… that my grief feels complete.” And just a day after Brooklyn’s death the mum celebrated her 14thwedding anniversary with husband Justin, 38.

Stefanie Boyce, Instagram
On the day Brooklyn passed away Stefanie posted a picture of herself in a kayak holding her daughter.
She wrote: 'It has been my profound honour to watch Brooklyn take her first and her last breath.
'Mourning and sadness feel just as right as joy.
'Brooklyn, you have brought joy to our life and to every life that has ever been touched by yours.'
In a tribute to Jayden, she described him as a gentle boy with a “vibrant smile” who loved dancing with his mum, playing with his dad and holding hands with both his sisters.