Mums share the parts of birth NO-ONE talks about - and it's crazy!

By Practical Parenting team
September 25 2018
Is there something you wish you'd been told about having a baby that no-one ever mentioned?
A group of mums have taken to the internet to reveal the parts of birth that they wish they'd been warned about.
And it got very honest, very quickly.
Taking to Reddit, mums from around the globe shared stories from their own births. Here's a few of our favourites.
Warning! Not for the squeamish!
One mum spoke about how she wasn't prepared for her water's breaking and the amount of liquid that would er...come out.

Another mum revealed that she didn't know that however you give birth, you will have a few weeks of post-birth period to contend with while looking after a newborn.

Another mum warned fellow followers not to ever have a look 'down there' following the birth because it isn't a pretty site!

But another mum finally cut through all the night mare stories and reminded us all to cut ourselves some slack once we have bub in our arms, and we don't look or feel how we imagine we should.

Well said!