Mum’s car seat safety warning

Would you be confident doing this?
By Practical Parenting
March 27 2017
Would you be confident flipping your car seat upside with your baby strapped in?
That’s the question one mum is urging parents to ask themselves before getting into the car.
Sharing two side by side pictures on Facebook, Rachel McNamara is spreading the word about car seat safety.
"After strapping your child into their car seat, ask yourself if you'd be comfortable flipping it upside down," McNamara wrote. “Remember that the chest clip should be at armpit level and the straps should be tight enough to pass the pinch test. #carseatsafety."
In a later update, McNamara clarifies that she is not “advocating” parents flip their children upside down in a car seat before each car journey.
“Just that they should feel confident that their child would be safe IF the car seat was flipped over in an accident. I think this is a great visual and shows just how important proper car seat use is,” she said.