Mum posts pic of what childhood cancer really looks like

Drake’s mother shared a courageous Facebook post.
By Practical Parenting
February 22 2017
Mum who posted a confronting photo of her son standing in front of the toilet in a pull-up nappy has explained she did it because ‘life isn’t pretty.’
Drake’s mother’s courageous Facebook post, which was shared by Love What Matters, has received thousands of comments after it lays bare the realities of children fighting cancer.
‘This was this morning after carrying Drake to the bathroom,' she explains in the caption of the photo of her son, Drake, 10.
‘Yes, he is in a pull up because 75% of the time he can't control his bathroom habits.
‘This is him, throwing up every medication I give him and him dry heaving because his stomach is empty except for the spoonful of yogurt I just gave him with his pills.’
For this mum, it’s not just the physical discomfort she has to help her son through. But also the fear.
‘This is having your son sleep with you at night because he is afraid of something happening and being alone, and by something I mean dying.
This is having middle of the night conversations with a ten year old, asking if he dies will he go to heaven and will he see his dad there and be able to talk and play with him.’
His mum’s dedication to helping her boy is simply incredible.
‘This is him, Drake, Stinky Joe, my whole world. From the moment I found out I was pregnant till future forever, he has been my reason for life. He is my smile, my love, my heartbeat. He is also my tears, my heart ache, my frowns. He is my life.’
Since the photo was posted it has received over 40,000 comments and been shared over 64,000 times. Many commenters asking for an address so they can send letters and support to Drake and his family.
One woman wrote: ‘I see a picture of an incredibly brave young warrior and hear the words of an equally brave and strong mama. Prayers for his recovery and strength as you go through this difficult journey’
Another woman said: ’Your little man is EXACTLY the reason I am running the London marathon in the U.K. In 9 weeks to raise money for Children with Cancer U.K in the the hope it will help to find a cure and further research into childhood cancer 💞 Sending lots and lots of love and cuddles to you, your boy and your family x xx’
Another said: ‘I'm sitting here at work, tears just rolling down my face. There is nothing in this world I could say that would even express how much my heart goes out to your family and families like yours. I pray, so hard, God heals all of these children’
This article originally appeared on that's life!