Mum planning to get tubes tied shocked to be pregnant with triplets

‘I laughed and first, and then I cried.'
By Practical Parenting
March 24 2017
A Perth mum who decided she was ready to have her tubes tied after having four kids experienced a roller coaster of emotions when she discovered she was pregnant again - with triplets!
‘I laughed and first, and then I cried,’ Bobbie Rutland, 31, told Daily Mail Australia.
‘And then I laughed some more, and then I cried some more.'
Bobbie had made the decision to have her tubes tied after struggling her whole life to find a contraception option that worked for her. She and her hubby Shane also already have four kids between the ages of 11 and just one.
While the triplets were completely unexpected, Bobbie says she is happy that her youngest four kids will be close in age.
It turns out, these triplets are full of surprises - when Bobbie was 28 weeks along she went into hospital with early contractions everything looked okay, and she was allowed to go home. However, the contractions soon started again and after only 20 minutes, the triplets were born.
Despite arriving 10 weeks early, the triplets - baby boy Cooper, and two girls Emma and Charlie - are all doing well. They will be monitored in the NICU until they have put on enough weight.
Bobbie says she can’t wait to get the whole family together - but she has definitely made an appointment to have her tubes tied.
'I do not intend on having any more children,' she laughs. 'Seven children is more than enough!'
You can help the family of nine settle their new bubs by contributing to their GoFundMe campaign here.
This article originally appeared on that's life!