Mum-of-triplets posts new photo of her body 12 weeks after the birth but makes shock surgery announcement

Poor thing...
By Frances Sheen
December 10 2018
A mum-of-triplets, who has won praise for showing off her post-baby body, after giving birth to triplets, has announced that she is facing the need for surgery next year.
Maria Nordø Jørstad, who is originally from Norway, but now lives in Denmark showcases her ever-changing body on Instagram. She has done that ever since she found out she was pregnant with triplets.
After Iben, Filip and Agnes were born 12 weeks ago, the mum decided to carry on taking photos of her body.
But now, just three months after their birth, she has posted another photo of her body and told her 260,000 followers that she has a hernia and will probably need to go into hospital for an operation.
On her honest post she said, ‘At my 8 weeks post partum medical check my doctor found out that I have a hernia (in addition to diastasis recti) so I might need surgery. I will know more after an appointment at the hospital at the end of February. Not quite sure how I feel about surgery the whole belly situation is a bit tiring.’
Diastasis recti is a condition many mums face post-birth. It is also known as abdominal separation and it’s caused by the stretching of the abdominal muscles out during pregnancy so they don’t go back after the baby is born. It can cause your belly to look like it has ‘popped out’ and you can still look pregnant.
A hernia is the abnormal exit of tissue or an organ, such as the howel, through the wall of the cavity in which it normally resides. Maria didn't explain where her hernia was.
Maria was already a mum-of-one when she fell pregnant with the triplets and she said she found it easier for her body to return to normal back then. This time she is struggling with how she looks.
'I compared it with my first pregnancy where I got back to shape really quickly. I just want my body back and to wear normal clothes again, I'm still having to wear pregnancy trousers and pants and it's so heavy to carry around.'
She says she will keep Instagramming her body until she is happy.
'I think that there has been a small revolution during the last few years - with the Me Too and Time's up movements in front line - where women have started speaking up about female issues that until now has been kind of taboo. Not spoken about,' she said to Femail.