Mum let her toddler use a potty in public

What do you think?
By Peter Malik
March 13 2017
A mother in a pub has shared how she was shocked when she saw a toddler being set up on a potty to go to the toilet in the middle of the dining area.
Sharing the experience with Mumsnet, the horrified mother asked whether this was a normal thing or if she was right to feel put off.
Almost unanimously the fellow mums condemned the potty-going tot and her mum who were grossed out by her story.

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While a lot of parents commented on feeling disgusted by it, others said that it hardly helps the kid learn how to use a toilet.
‘Why not take the potty to the toilet and put the child there?’ one asked.
‘They have to learn they can’t do their business anywhere they want.’
This article originally appeared on that's life!