Mum is SLAMMED for serving this monster JUNK FOOD feast at daughter's 7th birthday party

The Kiwi mother shared the picture on Facebook - but it's been royally slammed
By Frances Sheen
April 11 2019
A mum has been trolled for serving a mountain of greasy food, including buckets of KFC, McDonald’s cheeseburgers, pizza, lollies, chocolate and fizzy drinks at her 7-year-old's birthday party.
With a table groaning under the weight of all the fast-food, the Kiwi mum snapped the spread and shared it on Facebook with the caption, 'My girls 7th bday party'.
“Kentucky chicken, cheeseburgers, Thai food, pizza,” she wrote in Maori.
“This is not a healthy diet,” she continued, with an embarrassed emoji next to it.

In all, the mum purchased 20 cheeseburgers, 20 cans of soft drink, 10 pizzas, six buckets of KFC chicken and coleslaw.
The kids were then able to drench their fast food in five tubs of potato and gravy.
Bizarrely the photo was shared to Facebook group Heil’s Kitchen, which is meant to promote healthy living and is anti-obesity saying, “stay away from the takeaways and cook fresh at home”.

People were quick to attack the mum online for what was labelled a “diabetes birthday” party for the 7-year-olds.
One Facebook follower commented: “Happy birthday, we got you a heart attack.”
“That’s something I would expect for a boys 16th not a girls 7th birthday party,” another wrote.
A third pointed out that this kind of fast food binge was not helping the huge problem of childhood obesity in New Zealand.
“New Zealand has a massive obesity problem, and this is not helping,” they said.
“No seven-year-old needs food like this.”
But others weren’t so angered by the photo, telling people to “chill out” and stop judging the mother.
“Some of you need to chill. I mean, it’s one day? Not every single day of their entire lives,” one person said.
And clearly inspired, this person said: “Might have to do this for my birthday. All that food looks good.”