Amazing pics: Mum gives birth to septuplets in NATURAL BIRTH!

Yes, you read the correctly!
By Frances Sheen
February 18 2019
A mum has given birth to seven babies NATURALLY!
The 25-year-old woman - who has not been named - gave birth at a hospital in Iraq after going into labour.
A spokesman for the local health department released a statement saying the mother, along with her six girls and one son, are perfectly healthy.
The children's father, Youssef Fadl, said he and his wife had not planned to expand their family but now have ten kids to look after as they already have three older children!



Photos of the septuplets show them lying together and being cared for after the birth and although no more details have been revealed the babies are said to be thriving at the hospital in Iraq.
Back in 1983, the world's first all-female sextuplets were born in Liverpool, UK - the Waltons. The girls who are now 35, have now started having families of their own.
This is the first time, a multiple birth of this size is thought to have been a natural one, with a spokesman for the couple saying the mother and the babies were 'perfect'.
The world's first set of surviving septuplets were born to Kenny and Bobbi McCaughey in Des Moines, Iowa, in 1997.
The couple famously declined selective reduction after learning they were pregnant with seven children following fertility treatment, saying it was 'in God's hands'.