What the heck? Woman expresses breastmilk while competing in an Ironman race - and this is how she did it!

What a legend!
By Practical Parenting team
November 16 2018
Mum of two Jaime Sloan has a toddler and new baby, but that didn’t stop her from her plan to participate in an Ironman competition.
The grueling event involves a 1.2 mile swim, 56-mile cycle and 13.1 mile run. Not only did Jaime complete it, the 34-year-old also pumped breastmilk along the way for her young son.
Jaime, who serves in the US Air Force, had planned to stop between the cycle and run components of the event if she needed to pump milk, but when she saw how fast she was running and realized she was close to beating her personal best, she decided to pump on the go.
“By the time I got off the bike I knew I needed to pump,” she said. “But I was also looking at a personal record because I had had a really awesome bike ride.

Jaime admits it was tricky to pump on the go, as she was tired and self-conscious about ‘flashing’ people.
“I was able to run for a while and then the milk started spilling out. ‘For the most part I don’t know if people even noticed, I did get some looks from women but they were just big smiles."
After giving birth, Jaime had experienced post-partum anxiety and found that training really helped her.
“I hope that it can encourage other women and mothers and really anyone who has a lot going on in their lives,” says Jaime.
“There’s always a way that you can make it happen, you might have to get a little creative from time to time.”