Miracle milestone cards for premature babies

An Australian mum came up with a beautiful way to celebrate the progress her son made.
By Livia Gamble
February 14 2017
Following the premature birth of her son, Amy Purling from Adelaide came up with the idea to make milestone cards, marking the progress of babies born early.
"Leaving the hospital without your baby is something I wouldn't wish on anyone," Amy told Daily Mail Australia.
"You feel empty, you feel guilty like you've failed your baby somehow."
To help cope, Amy came up with a beautiful way to celebrate her son James' progress.
James was born ten weeks early, and although Amy knew it was going to happen, it didn’t make it any easier.
"I was warned that he was going to come early, I have a misshaped uterus which was restricting his growth," Amy said.
"I was high risk, but he wasn't expected to come that early, I was told we could make it to between 36 and 37 weeks."
The idea for the cards came when she began to write down her son's own milestones.
"I started writing a journal anytime he did anything new, the first time he opened his eyes, the first suck of his dummy," Amy said.
James is now a year old and Amy has made it her “mission” to help others.
"I believe these milestone cards are helping to make this frightening time just a little bit brighter for these families," she said.
For more information, visit the Miracle Mumma website.