Meghan Markle in Fiji! What every pregnant woman knows about how she feels right now.

By Practical Parenting team
October 23 2018
When will my bump show?
That's the question most women ask at the beginning of their pregnancy and we're betting that Meghan Markle is asking that right now. A lot.
Last week, the palace announced that Meghan - the Duchess of Sussex - is having her first baby and is thought to be around 14 or 15 weeks pregnant.
In an announcement on social media, the palace announced: 'Their Royal Highnesses The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are very pleased to announce that The Duchess of Sussex is expecting a baby in the Spring of 2019. Their Royal Highnesses have appreciated all of the support they have received from people around the world since their wedding in May and are delighted to be able to share this happy news with the public'
But now we're guessing that Meghan has reached that awkward stage of pregnancy where you have passed the 12-week point, you've had your scan but you haven't started to show yet, your boobs are sensitive and larger, you feel different but you just don't have a bump - and that's all you want.
For most first-time mums, the baby bump usually 'pops' when they’re 14 to 16 weeks pregnant, but they might notice a change sooner. “At 12 weeks pregnant, your growing uterus can no longer hide inside your pelvis behind your pubic bone,” says Sherry Ross, a gynaecologist.
But some women won't show until they are half-way through their pregnancy, at 20 weeks. Both are absolutely normal.
'But there is always that uncomfortable stage where you start to feel your body changing and beginning to fill out but there's no physical sign to the outside world that your body is different,' says Jane Hansen, a midwife from NSW. 'Many woman find this stage to be a transitionary one.'

Prince Harry and Meghan arrived to a warm welcome in Fiji on Oct. 23.
The royal couple stepped on to a red carpet that had been laid out for them as they disembarked their Qantas plane which had flown from Australia.
Meghan wowed in a white Zimmerman dress as she stepped off the plane, accessorised with a hat by Stephen Jones.
Her earrings were a gift from the Queen and the bracelet was given by the Prince of Wales.

When will your pregnancy bump will show?
1. Your weight
How much you weigh will determine how easy it is to see your growing uterus. As a general rule women who have a body mass index (BMI) of less than 25 will be able to have a visible bump sooner than those with a BMI over 25, but this can depend from woman to woman.
2. Your height
Taller women tend to have longer midsections so they don't always show was early on as shorter women. Meghan Markle is 1.71m so she's of average height. If you’re on the shorter side, it's likely your bump with show sooner.
3. Your abdominal strength
The tighter your abdominal muscle, the more support and lift there is for your growing uterus. If your abs are stronger, they will literally hold your growing baby into your body more, which means that you’ll have a less noticeable baby bump. If your abs are weaker, your belly will probably pop sooner. Again, there are no hard and fast rules with this.
4. Carrying twins or triplets
When you’re pregnant with multiple babies, your uterus is holding double the capacity, so you’ll probably start to show on the earlier side. However, your height, BMI, number of pregnancies and abdominal strength will still come into play.
5. The number of pregnancies you’ve had
Your first pregnancy generally takes the longest to show. But by pregnancy number two, your body is primed to pop about one month earlier than before. The reason? Your uterus never fully reverted back to its original size after your first pregnancy. Also, your ab muscles have already been stretched and overextended.
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