Meghan and Harry may pay tribute to Diana with royal baby name

So sweet
This morning we woke to the news we’ve been waiting for – the Duke and Duchess have welcomed a new baby boy into the royal family.
But while we know the time of Baby Sussex’ birth – 5.26am, on May 6th 2019, and his birth weight - 7 pounds, 3 ounces, we are yet to see a glimpse of his royal cuteness or find out what he will be named.
According to bookies in the UK, James is the top choice right now. Arthur and Alexander are also considered strong contenders and are pulling some decent odds.
However, there is another theory doing the rounds at the moment, suggesting the couple could choose an ingenious moniker for their first-born — Aidan. Which just happens to be an anagram for Diana.

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Another theory that’s been touted is that the child may be named Spencer, which is very regal-sounding and is Diana’s family name.
Let’s not forget also that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex made sure that Princess Diana’s siblings were amongst the first to find out about their new baby son.
This particular choice is sitting at around 14/1 at the moment at the bookies.

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Regardless of what the couple settle on in the end, we shouldn’t have too much longer to wait, with Harry telling waiting press that they expect to be back in two days with their son to introduce him to the world.

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