The truth behind this apology note is heartbreaking

So sad
Kristina Kuzmic, the popular “Truth Bomb” mom shared a message on her Facebook page about something that happened to her daughter in school.
“When my daughter was in 2nd grade, she came home really hungry one day because her sandwich disappeared out of her lunch box,” she wrote. “ I knew that I packed it so I remember feeling incredibly angry at the possibility that some kid stole my kid’s lunch. What a brat to do that to another kid!”
However, not was all as it seemed, which became clear after the little girl who took the sandwich wrote a note and gave her daughter a gift card a few weeks later.
“Soon after receiving this note, we found out about the heartbreaking life this little girl had,” Kristina wrote. “She witnessed horrible violence between her parents, including them chasing each other around the house with knives, right in front of her.
“Making sure their daughter’s basic needs were met was never their priority. The girl was so hungry that she resorted to taking other kids’ food. She wasn’t a brat. She was desperate.”
But the story has a better ending, she continues. The little girl was taken from her home and placed with a loving couple who hoped to adopt her.
“I haven't seen that little girl in over five years, but I still think about her,” Kristina adds. “I wonder if she's okay. I wonder if she feels loved. I wonder if she’s a priority to someone. I wonder if she trusts again. I wonder if she finally has a peaceful home and parents who adore her, and her very own sandwich every single day.
“My daughter and I learned an important lesson: don’t assume anything about other people without knowing their full story.”

Nicola Conville has worked as a journalist and editor for more than 20 years across a wide range of print and online publications. Her areas of expertise are parenting, health and travel. She has two children; Lucy, age eight, and Nathan, age five.