Urgent warning: Kmart Australia Facebook scam, hundreds are falling for it.

Don't be fooled.
Kmart shoppers are being warned of a new sophisticated Facebook scam targeting users through sponsored advertising.
The fake page 'Kmart_Australia' uses the Kmart logo as their profile image.
Watch: Mum's Hilarious Kmart Music Video
The polished scam is targeting Facebook users with the promise of a six month supply of baby products.
Shoppers love to try out new products and love entering into competitions so it's easy to see why just so many Aussie have fallen for the scam already.

Kmart Australia Facebook scam. Image: Practical Parenting.
Many a tired new mother could easily be scrolling on their Facebook feed and see the promise of trying out new premium baby products and be fooled.
Once users click through to enter into the scam competition they taken to a third party site that gathers private information.
Users are asked a series of personal questions, from how many children do you have, through to annual household income. To enter the 'competition' you are required to disclose your email address and contact telephone number.

Kmart Australia Facebook scam. Image: Practical Parenting.
At this stage it is not known where entrants private details are going to, online speculation has ranged from marketing databanks through to sophisticated identity theft.
Hundreds of Facebook users have already fallen for the scam have parted with their personal details in the hope of free baby products.
"This is a scam everyone, a good scam at that", warned one.
"Sh*t, I have just entered and answered a stack of questions", replied Facebook user Liana.
"This is so wrong, I'm reporting this as a scam right NOW", posted another.
A Kmart spokesperson has confirmed to Practical Parenting that this is a scam:
"We can confirm this is not a Kmart promotion. This information shared has been taken extremely seriously and we are committed to ensure the appropriate steps are taken to report this. We encourage anyone that has been affected by fraudulent activity to report them to Scamwatch at www.scamwatch.gov.au or report to Facebook. Alternatively customers can get in contact with our customer service team who will also raise this with Scamwatch."

Michelle Connolly has worked as a photo director, social media manager and photo editor at some of Australia's biggest media companies, including New Idea. She is now editor of Practical Parenting and loving mum-of-two.