Eight adorable times Kate Ritchie has shared a kiss with her daughter

Awww. The mother-daughter bond is strong!
A few years ago, Victoria Beckham posted a photo of her and daughter Harper kissing on the lips.
It was an image that some parents didn't agree with and she was attacked on social media.
But ex-Home and Away star and radio presenter Kate Ritchie is one mum who isn't afraid to post photos of herself kissing her beautiful daughter, Mae.
The Aussie brunette took to Instagram on Thursday to post an adorable image of herself and her four-year-old daughter Mae Webb sharing a kiss while enjoying a pizza at Vasse Felix Vineyard. Alongside the image Kate posted the caption "Lip kisses forever! 💋💋💋 #oruntilshetellsmenottoo".
This isn't the first time the Home and Away actress has posted an image of herself and her daughter sharing a kiss. In fact, they're quite a common occurrence on her Instagram.
In August, Kate posted a sweet image that showed her gently holding her daughter's head as they share a cosy kiss.
In celebration of Mae's fourth birthday, Kate uploaded a selfie of her and her daughter where she's planting a kiss on Mae's cheek. In the image Mae poses with a smile and is dress in overalls, with butterflies in her hair.
In the caption, Kate expressed her love for her daughter by writing, "I love and adore every inch of you Bubba and yours is the only unconditional love I have ever known."
This kiss was labelled by Kate as "one last flamboyant kiss farewell" and shows Mae standing on top of a suitcase, with Kate revealing in the caption that she was travelling to London for the royal wedding of Meghan and Prince Harry.
Kate felt the love with this sweet snap of Mae planting a kiss on her mother's cheek on Australia Day.
One follower commented on the cute picture by asking, "Are you rebranding to Australia's cutest mother and daughter? So sweet".
With the iconic Sydney Harbour Bridge in the background of this photo, Kate and her daughter prepare for a kiss.
In the caption Kate wrote, "These slobbery, wet, open mouth kisses are seriously the greatest ones I've ever had."
All the way back in December 2016, Kate gifted her followers this lovely snap of her holding Mae in her arms and sharing a kiss on the lips.
Kate hashtagged the image #truelove.
Many fans left adoring comments such as, "this is the cutest thing ever", and, "such a gorgeous photo!"
With the both of them wearing sunglasses, little Mae grabbed her mother's face and pursed her lips in what Kate claimed was the "#cutestpursedlipsever".
This story first appeared on New Idea

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