JUST IN: MAFS Jules and Cameron are engaged in real life!

They were the first couple to get hitched on Married At First Sight, and now it seems Jules and Cameron will be hearing the sound of wedding bells in the not-too-distant future!
According to WHO magazine, the MAFS couple have been spotted together shopping for engagement rings.
In photographs taken this month, the loved-up pair were seen checking out diamond rings at a jewelry store!
The couple hit it off at the alter during the premiere episode of the popular dating show and looks like they intend to take their on-screen relationship into the off-screen world.
On Valentine’s Day, Jules posted a sweet pic of them together, captioning it: “Dear Husband, thank you for treating me like it’s Valentine’s Day every day since we met! Yours truly, Love Wifey. Xx”
Jules and Cameron are a firm favourite with fans of the show, with viewers gushing over their romance on the MAFS Instagram page.
“Best couple ever @julesrobinson82 you are such a stunning lady inside and out,” wrote one.
“They’re so cute I can’t deal,” added another.
“My Fav couple, they will be together forever,” added another.
By the looks of things, it’s very possible!

Nikki is obsessed with all things celebrity and dreams she is a long-lost Kardashian. You'll find her binging Netflix's latest 'must-watch' show with a jar of Nutella by her side.