How an Australian mum cut her grocery bill to $80 a week

She created a system to make her food budget stretch.
By Practical Parenting
February 23 2017
After her husband was let go from his job just before the birth of their third child, West Australian mum Cath Armstrong knew that she would have to get creative to make the food budget stretch. She created a great system that cut their shopping budget to $80 a week on average. She has continued it for 20 years because it works so well for them and is sharing her experience with others.
Some of her tips are common sense, such as buying up much-used items when they are on say and don’t buy junk food, but one statement stood out for many. Cath told Today Tonight, “Let’s face it: sugar is sugar, flour is flour. For these basics, I haven’t noticed a difference in anything but the price. Try it, if you don’t like the product you don’t have to keep on buying it.”
The only brand name product she will buy is her coffee. She said, “Yes, brand matters – sometimes. I have a brand of coffee that I will not budge on. I have tried others and I don’t like them and frankly life is just too short to drink lousy coffee and be miserable. I stock up when it’s on sale.”
While other tips include growing your own herbs and as much fruit and veg as you can she has one more tip to help the savings. A luxury-free month where the family forgoes any treats or takeaway to help the budget.
Cath has started a website The Cheapskate’s Club to help those like minded to save more money while not missing out.
What do you think of her plan? Are you on a similar one?
This article originally appeared on Starts At 60.