Home schooling: Your ultimate guide

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With many parents chosing to keep their children home and the real possibility of schools closing amid the coronavirus crisis, many have been tasked with home schooling.
Knowing where to go when home schooling the kids can be daunting, and in these uncertain times many of us are wondering where to start for home learning.
Here are our top pics, broken down into reading, mathematics, writing and more!
-Day-by-day projects
-Suitable from pre Kindergarten through to Year 12
- Lots of popular books available
-Safe searching
-Appropriate for ages 4+
-Hundreds of online reading sessions
-Games and videos
-Rewards for passing levels
-Parent dashboard shows your child’s progress
-Game based reading and phonics
-Computer version is 100% free
-Suitable from age 3
-Game based for fun learning
-Parent dashboard shows you your child’s progress
-25 math related games such as Math Basketball, Cake Monster
-Colourful, engaging and fun
-Suitable from year 1
-Suitable for all ages
-Lessons and activities for all levels of numeracy
-100% free

-Popular with schools
-Spelling and grammer
-Set tasks from home and see results
-100% free
Science and more..
-learn another language
-100% free
-Facts and information made just for kids
-Fun games and lessons
- Games for all areas of learning
-Fun, bright game based

Michelle Connolly has worked as a photo director, social media manager and photo editor at some of Australia's biggest media companies, including New Idea. She is now editor of Practical Parenting and loving mum-of-two.