Genius! The $2 hair vacuum that sucks up your kid's nits!

Game changer!
By Michelle Connolly
September 16 2019
Nits. It’s the one word when you hear it at the school gate that makes you instantly itch. Even worse the head lice are becoming immune to chemical treatments, and new breeds of ’super nits’ are hitting our kids schools.
Sure you can buy many an over the counter treatment from your pharmacy and even a couple of varieties from your local supermarket but these also require reapplication of harsh chemicals to stop the cycle.

Spotted on discount shopping page Wish is a chemical free nit comb which also is suitable for use on your pets! The electric head lice comb removes fleas, lice and lice eggs. Even better it collects all the eggs, lice and their debris into a little disposable capture filter, so you never have to touch the disgusting little mites!
Sharing on a closed Facebook page one Mum has worked out how to get the miracle comb for just $2, and if you purchase extra filters you can spent just $4, crazy right?
“Any parents out there needing a cheap comb for the dirty nits?? Seen on WISH for $1 for the item and $1 postage, then add the extra filters, also $1 for 10 of them and $1 postage so total of $4 WINNING 😁👌”

Electric nit comb from WISH
How to use the electric head lice comb:
1. Securely attach capture filter to the Comb combing head, ensuring it clips into place (until you hear a click) and re-attach the combing head to the main body by aligning the guiding arrows and twist to lock.
2. Push down and hold the knobs on both sides to manually adjust the combing angle.
3. Two set positions are available: straight or raking position.
4. Brush hair to remove knots and separate into sections using hair clips.
5. Ensure Comb is right way up and start from nape of neck and work your way up close to the scalp, one section at a time. Section the hair no wider than the teeth and comb.
6. Comb through each section several times and in all directions (Top, bottom, left and right).