Free Printables! Create an Easter Egg Hunt in your neighbourhood

We’ve created some FREE colouring in printables that you can use to decorate your front window for local children to find.
By Practical Parenting Team
April 10 2020
With socialising and travel not allowed due to Covid-19, this Easter will be different for everyone across the country. But, just because we need to have a quieter weekend at home with our family, it doesn’t mean it can’t be packed with fun experiences for the little ones!

Image: Supplied

Image: Supplied.
Let’s create a huge Easter Egg hunt for children of Australia! Simply:
- Download the FREE Easter Egg Hunt printable
- Get your children to colour in or decorate the Easter egg
- Stick the colourful creation to a front window in your home (so it’s visible from the street)
Then, if you’re getting some exercise and walking the streets of your neighbourhood, take a look in the windows and see how many Easter Eggs you can find!

Image: Supplied.

Image: Supplied.
Inspired by Jacinda Ardern’s ‘Big New Zealand Easter Egg Hunt’, we wanted to make sure families of Sydney’s North Shore could experience a similar joy (but without having to use their version!) with an Australian Easter Egg Hunt.
New Zealand’s incredible Prime Minister wrote on a Facebook post: “I’ve been asked by lots of you whether the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny are an essential service (I even got asked in a press conference today!). I have good news, they are! But because we’re all in isolation at the moment, the Easter Bunny might not make it to every house this year (they probably have to look after their own Bunny family too). So just in case, I’m wondering if you’ll help me create an Easter egg hunt for all the children in your neighbourhood? You can draw your own Easter egg, or you can colour in the one that some of my clever friends helped to make. All you have to do is colour it in or decorate it, and pop it in your window for other kids to find. I’d also love to see your designs.”
Watch: Super easy ideas for making and decorating Easter baskets