Midwife’s top four tips for breastfeeding
By Practical Parenting team
August 01 2018

Simple steps for feeding your baby
By Practical Parenting team
August 01 2018
We all know how fantastic breastfeeding is for babies, however many mums struggle with it, with new research from Philips Avent revealing that three in four Australian mums face challenges, and one in two experience loneliness and frustration when it comes to breastfeeding.
“Breast is best, but we need to be realistic and realise that while breastfeeding is natural and healthy for mum and baby, it’s not always easy and it might not always feel natural for mum to begin with,” says midwife and Philips Avent ambassador Liz Wilkes.
Today sees the launch of World Breastfeeding Week, and Liz has shared these tips to help mums have a positive breastfeeding experience with their bubs.
1 Seek expert advice
Talking to a midwife, lactation consultant or even a doctor can be a great start. These experts can help give mum advice on the most up-to-date practices and products that help promote breastfeeding.
2 Rally friends and family
Build a network that can help support you if times get tough. It’s important to realise that support comes in many forms. It could be other mums, your own mother or mother-in-law, or simply your partner or other friends and family that you can lean on.
3 Tools of the trade
There are products and aids that can help make breastfeeding easier and more convenient. A breast pump might be key in helping to stimulate or even maintain milk flow or, for women experiencing pain while breastfeeding, a nipple shield might just be the solution to help minimise discomfort.
4 Be kind to yourself
Take time out for you, judgement free. I often recommend a daily 20-30 minutes for mum to treat herself with something simple – whether that’s a warm shower, a bit of exercise or even watching Netflix. It’s important to take time for you.
Liz says it’s important for family and friends to support nursing mums too, by simply asking how they are doing, bringing around meals or offering to run errands, and knowing when to give mum and bub a little space by keeping visits short.