Demanding mum insists stranger donate breastmilk to her two-year-old

By Practical Parenting team
January 22 2019
A generous mum who donates her breastmilk to other mothers struggling to feed their bubs was shocked by the demands of one woman who insisted she give her two-year-old toddler all her milk.
Sharing her frustrations on Reddit, the woman posted screenshots of a text conversation she had with the other mum.
The exchange starts out normally enough, with the woman reaching out to request breastmilk, but things go swiftly downhill when she demands a larger amount for her toddler.

The woman then tells the new mum to keep the breastmilk, even calling her names and telling her the milk is likely tainted!

To clarify, the woman explains to Reddit users why she chose to donate breastmilk in the first place.
“My little girl was in the NICU for two weeks and while I was waiting for my milk to come in, she was given donor milk for the first few days of life which I’m eternally grateful for so I thought I’d pay it forward," she wrote.
She also got in touch with the mutual friend who made the initial introduction to let her know what had happened.
“The lady who told her about me replied with an apology and told me she had no idea she was like this!" the mum wrote. "I don’t know if they are super friendly or what, so who knows if she’ll say anything to her.”
Reddit users were quick to support the donating mum.
“I throw myself a party when I get 15 ounces in the freezer. I can't imagine feeling entitled to someone else's milk,” wrote one.
“This has to be one of the worst choosing beggars I've seen.’I don't give a sh*t about you or your six week old, I just need you to start pumping out more milk so you can feed my 2 year old toddler,’” wrote another.
“I know nothing about breast feeding but if your kid is old enough to ask for it they prob don’t need it as much as a new premature baby,” added a third.
What do you think?