Dad admits to “dry nursing” his baby to soothe her when Mum is not around

One Dad has admitted to using a rather strange trick to calm his newborn’s cries, and it seems he is not alone.
Posting on Reddit, the Dad revealed that he sometimes allowed his baby to nurse on his nipples to soothe her.
“Sometimes when my baby is crying in the night and it's my turn to quiet and soothe her, in desperation I'll try to get her to suckle at my nipples,” he wrote.

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While bub doesn’t always want to do it – possibly because they are too hairy, he believes, sometimes she will latch on.
“I find myself experiencing a confusing mixture of joy at the connection between father and daughter, and horror at what I've become.
“Do other dads do this? Any tips for getting her to latch on if she doesn't want a pacifier?”
The man was quick to point out that he does not want to actually lactate, but rather uses this method as a last-ditch attempt to settle his child.
Surprisingly, some commenters shared that they had done similar things.
“My husband was curious about it and let our 2-week-old latch onto his nipple, and immediately yelped in pain hahaha. I don't think its that weird, kind of cute!” wrote one mum.
“My SO has tried to do this but I just yell at him and tell him not to. I just think it's weird to do since the baby isn't getting milk from the father... Plus hairy nipples can't be fun to suck on,” added another.
Others thought that is was weird, and that using the tip of his finger would be a better option.
“My little finger used to work - she's to old to fall for that now (10 months),” wrote one Dad.
"Stick the tip of your pinky in the kids mouth. It should be a size equal to mom lactating nipple. By the time the kid realizes it isnt mom, theyre calm," added another.
What do you think?

Nicola Conville has worked as a journalist and editor for more than 20 years across a wide range of print and online publications. Her areas of expertise are parenting, health and travel. She has two children; Lucy, age eight, and Nathan, age five.