Toddlers are being sent to tutors at two!

The new early learning programs are sweeping the country, but would you do it?
By Practical Parenting
July 29 2018
Toddlers and children as young as two are attending private tuition classes in a bid to start school ahead of the pack.
A range of tuition agencies provide play-based learning and school-readiness programs so that the kids can learn basic spelling and counting before their peers.
Begin Bright, a company with programs across Australia, says it offers kids the chance to feel prepared for their Prep or Kindergarten first year at school.
On their website, they offer trial classes saying, “Designed in Australia and modelled on the objectives outlined by the Australian national Curriculum, Begin Bright offers a set of programs designed to equip children with the knowledge and skills for their school life and beyond.”
But many mums and early childhood teachers feel the lessons are too much-too soon for the kids.
“It doesn’t seem right,” says Janet Fuller an Early Childhood Teacher who specialises in helping children with special needs. “Children as young as two shouldn’t be pushed into curriculum-based learning. “Parents need to relax and not push as hard as they seem to be.”
What do you think?