Children awarded for bravery after saving their mum from domestic violence attack

So brave!
By Practical Parenting
March 27 2017
Four children have been awarded for their bravery and courage after they saved the life of their mother during a domestic violence attack.
Rachael Moore and her five children were in their Brisbane home on April 11, 2014, when her former husband, Daryl Fields, broke into the house and shot her.
"I knew I was going to be shot, I could tell. So I just told them [children] to get away from me and moved as far away from them as I could and thankfully the big boys kept the little ones away," Moore told Fairfax Media.
Moore's children - Jayden was 14, Cameron, 12, Kaylea, 9, Zane, 4, and Samantha, 2 - are responsible for saving their mother's life.
When Fields shot Moore in the shoulder, her kids acted swiftly. Cameron grabbed the gun, removed it from the house and returned to help his brother, Jaydon, hold Fields. Zane took his two-year-old sister outside to keep her safe, while Kaylea moved her mother out of the back door and began first aid.
Fields pleaded guilty and he was sentenced to 12 years in jail last year.
Three years after the ordeal, The Australian Bravery Awards announced Jayden Caulfield and Cameron Caulfield as recipients of the Star of Courage Award.
Kaylea Caulfield and Zane Fields (Caulfield) will receive a Bravery Medal each.
After hearing the news of his award, Jayden said he wants to help other children experiencing domestic violence.
"Domestic violence is such a big issue lately, especially the last couple of years, it's getting out of hand – there's not enough foundations or support, it's not viewed by the higher-ups as a big issue," he said.
"Me and my little brother Cameron we're closer now and we've got each other's backs ... I've always followed Cameron, he's like my younger brother role model."