'Why is my child suddenly throwing tantrums?'

PP's resident child psychologist helps with this tricky phase...
By Ian Wallace
Child psychologist / July 12 2016
Q. My three-year-old daughter has started crying over everything. She never used to be so ‘sooky’, but now she’ll cry when she doesn’t get her way, when she has to share her toys, when it’s time to leave the park. What can I do?
A. Toddlers can change as they develop through phases and become more aware of the world around them. At this stage your daughter learns best by mimicking and she has now learnt how to copy other adults and toddlers. Firstly, over-praise any happiness, smiley faces, and nice sharing. Also practice sharing and finishing or changing activities at home. Initially, just ignore crying. If this doesn’t work, be consistent in management and explain that crying just doesn’t work. Don’t give in to the tantrums, though. Be confident and firm, even if this means tantrums escalating.