Carrie Bickmore shares adorable video of baby Adelaide

So cute!
Chris Walker the husband of popular TV and radio host Carrie Bickmore, has shared the most adorable video you will see all day.
Carrie's youngest daughter, 1-year-old Adelaide is seen rushing to welcome home her mum with a great big hug.
WATCH: Carrie Bickmore's adorable welcome from Adelaide
"How good is it when mumma comes home❤️ Ollie protesting having to take washing off the line by stomping it is a nice touch", wrote proud dad Chris on Instagram.
Carries oldest child, son Ollie is seen stomping on washing in a clothes basket, just before Adelaide sprints off to find mum Carrie.

Carrie Bickmore with husband Chris, son Ollie, daughter Evie and little Adelaide. Image: Instagram
Little Adelaide recently turned one, Carrie is also mum to 12 yea-old Ollie and 4-year old Evie.
Carrie shared a very cute video of Adelaide saying her first words.
WATCH: Carrie Bickmore's daughter says her first word and it's beyond adorable
"Ollie is pretty happy that one of his sister’s first words is OLLIE. She calls out to him all day long 😍," Carrie captioned the video.

Michelle Connolly has worked as a photo director, social media manager and photo editor at some of Australia's biggest media companies, including New Idea. She is now editor of Practical Parenting and loving mum-of-two.