What a C-section really looks like

By Practical Parenting
May 01 2017
A mum has shared an honest post portraying what a c-section really looks like.
UK photographer Helen Carmina shared the touching photo on her Facebook page.
“I photographed this mama's pregnancy a while back and she was telling me how terrified she was of having a c-section,” Carmina wrote. “Well last week she went into labor but had to have an emergency c-section after complications.
“She asked me to come over this morning and shoot this particular image as her worst nightmare proved to be what saved her and her child's lives.”
The post has been shared over 67,000 times with most of the comments being positive.
“After being present at more deliveries than I care to remember I have this to say,” one commenter wrote. “You only ever have this baby once. Whether this baby arrives vaginally or via Caesarian does not matter.”
In a later update, Carmina said she didn’t expect the picture to go viral.
“I understand everyone has their own opinion which they are entitled to, all I ask is that comments are not rude or hurtful and are kept respectful.
“If it is not to your taste please hide it from your newsfeed.Thank you!!”