BANNED: School refuses to let children pass out birthday invitations in the playground

The Sydney school bosses say kids get upset if they're not invited
By Frances Sheen
April 09 2019
Parents are outraged after a Sydney school announced they were to BAN birthday party invitations being handed out in the playground.
Parents at Mosman Public School have been informed they must now EMAIL all party invites in case children who are not invited feel upset, offended or left out.
School kids at the public school have also been told NOT to discuss their party with others in case un-invited kids feel upset, The Daily Telegraph reports.

The north shore school implemented the new policy after one child became upset when they weren't invited to a classmate's party.
But other parents are horrified by the blanket ban and are angry at the school for not handling the situation well.
'It's going too far, we have to build resilient kids,' one outraged parent said.
'You can't give birthday invitations by paper (at the school), only by email and you must tell your children not to talk about the party.'
Mosman isn't the first school in NSW to impose a similar birthday-related ban.

Bardia Public School in Sydney south-west has banned teachers from cutting cakes while birthday candles are not allowed at Seven Hills West Public School in western Sydney, where only small individual cakes are allowed to brought to school to celebrate.
'We welcome small individual cakes or the like if your child wishes to share his/her birthday with the class. Candles ARE NOT permitted and teachers are UNABLE to cut cakes,' a school newsletter said.
Birthday cakes have been banned at Wamberal Public School on the Central Coast since 2017.
St Thomas More Catholic Primary School near Campbelltown in Sydney's south-west followed suit earlier this year.
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